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California May Lift Traffic School Ban For Truckers

Posted on: August 13th, 2012 by Traffic School

Currently in the state of California, truckers can not take traffic school for minor infractions including speeding, failure to yield, or illegal turns when they take place in their own vehicles or in the commercial vehicles they drive. That means that currently CA truckers must pay the penalties of a ticket, without having points removed with traffic school, even when they are pulled over and ticketed in their own car.

However, this is all about to change because the Senate Transportation Committee recently voted to change this law and allow truckers to take traffic school for personal infractions. This is extremely advantageous for truck drivers who often paid much higher insurance premiums and could experience trouble at work for a personal violation.

Idaho Point Reduction

Posted on: May 23rd, 2012 by Traffic School

Getting a traffic or speeding ticket in Idaho can ruin anyone’s day and also have a huge impact on the price you pay for car insurance. Although you can’t dismiss a ticket in Idaho by taking traffic school, you can take an Idaho Point Reduction Course and remove three points from your driving record. This may not seem like a lot at first but it can have a substantial impact on your car insurance costs whether you have a ticket or not. Idaho Point Reduction classes can, and should, be taken every 36 months.

Benefits and Cost Savings by Taking Idaho Point Reduction

Many people automatically think that it isn’t worth their time to take an online points reduction course, but what they might not realize is how much it can actually save them. Let’s take a look at an example to better understand the savings involved. Meet Julie. Julie lives in Idaho is just got a speeding ticket that added 3 points to her driving record. As a result, Julie’s car insurance policy increased from $100 monthly to $125 monthly, or a 25% increase. The points will stay on Julie’s record for 5 years so that means because of just one ticket Julie will spend an extra $1500 on car insurance. However if Julie takes the point reduction course, which only costs $32, she can remove those 3 points and get her insurance rate back down to $100 monthly.

But I don’t have a ticket, can Idaho points reduction still save me money? Definitely. Meet Sam. Sam pays $100 monthly for his car insurance premiums. He has a clean driving record but wants to save money on his insurance costs. Sam called his insurance company and found out they offer a 15% discount to anyone who takes the course since it will make them a better driver. That means that Sam’s rates will drop down to $85 monthly, saving him $180 annually. Over 5 years that equals a savings of $900. And the course only cost him $32 and could be taken from the comfort of his own home.

Hawaii Traffic School

Posted on: April 30th, 2012 by Traffic School

home stufy traffic school course

Although no one ever wakes up in the morning and sets out to get a ticket, it happens to people everyday and happens to most of us at one time or another. Many people think that their only option is to pay the ticket and move on, but there are actually other options out there that can save you money on your ticket. In fact, the cost of just one ticket can end up being over $1000 for many people when you factor in all the costs that come with a ticket. To better illustrate the effects that one ticket can have, let’s use an example. Meet Paul. Paul just got a speeding ticket for $200 and his monthly insurance costs are $200 monthly.

Paul Can Just Pay the Ticket: $2700

Paul’s first option is to do what 90% of other people do and just pay the ticket. What many people don’t understand when they decide to just pay their ticket, is that the costs go far beyond what is written on the ticket itself. First of all, in addition to the fine on the ticket, there will be an average of $100 added to the ticket for court fees. This makes the ticket cost $300. In addition, even though there isn’t a points system in Hawaii, the ticket will be reported to your insurance company. As a result they will increase your insurance rates. The average increase is 20%. In this case, a 20% increase would raise insurance rates by $40 monthly. The ticket will stay on your record for five years, which means an extra $40 every month for 60 months, or $2400 extra in insurance costs. That means that just one speeding ticket actually will cost $2700.

Paul Can Take Hawaii Traffic School: $335 or less

Paul’s second option is to get permission to take online Hawaii traffic school. Many courts will allow you to take traffic school online so that the ticket is dismissed and not reported to your insurance company. This will save Paul $2400 in insurance costs. He may still have to pay the full fine of the ticket and court fees, $300, but in many cases the fines are reduced if someone takes traffic school. The average cost of traffic school in Hawaii is $35, so the most Paul will pay is $335 for the ticket fine and traffic school online.

Paul Can Fight the Ticket in Court: $0 or $2700

Finally, Paul can choose to fight the ticket in court and take his chances winning his case. If he wins Paul will not have to pay anything for the ticket and it will be completely removed from his record. If Paul loses however, he will lose the option to take traffic school and will end up spending $2700 on the ticket, court costs, and insurance rate increases.

Georgia Traffic School

Posted on: April 25th, 2012 by Traffic School

Given how much all of us drive it isn’t a surprise that most people get a traffic ticket or speeding ticket at some point or another. It could be for any number of things, but either way it leaves us with an expensive ticket and decision about how to move forward. Although over 90% of people just pay their ticket and don’t look back, there are actually better options for you in most cases that will save you lots of money in the long run. To better understand the options, let’s use an example. For our example we will assume that our driver has just gotten their first speeding ticket with a fine of $250 and pays $120 monthly for their car insurance.

First Option: Just Pay the Speeding Ticket, $1765

The option may people take when they get a speeding ticket in Georgia, especially if it is there first one, is to just pay the ticket. However, what many people don’t realize is that they will face far more expensive consequences than just the ticket itself. First of all, most county courts add processing fees to the ticket that add about $75 to the total cost. Furthermore, car insurance rates increase when points are added to your driving record. In this case since it is the first ticket, her car insurance rates will go up by about 20%. That increased rate will be in effect for five years, which is how long the ticket stays on her record. That means an extra $1440 in insurance costs plus the $250 ticket and $75 in court fees, making a grand total of $1765 for just one speeding ticket.

Second Option: Take Georgia Online Traffic School, $360

The second option that should be considered is taking Georgia traffic school online. Taking a traffic school course online makes sure that points are not added to your driving record. This means that car insurance rates do not get more expensive. Depending on your ticket, taking traffic school may also lessen the fine or eliminate the court processing fees.

Third Option: Fight Your Ticket in Court, $0 or $1765

The last option when dealing with a Georgia ticket is to fight the ticket in court. The benefits are high if you win since you will not have to pay the fine or any insurance rate hikes. However, in most situations if you do not win, you lose the chance to take traffic school and will have to pay higher insurance rates. It is a risk that some people are willing to take, but many choose traffic school since it is a safer bet.

Florida Traffic School Online

Posted on: April 23rd, 2012 by Traffic School

No one wants to get a ticket and have to pay the large fines or consider taking Floria traffic school. However it happens to many of us at one time or another. We may be pulled over for speeding, making an illegal u-turn, not signalling, failure to yield, or a myriad of other reasons but no matter the reason we are facing a decision of what to do about our ticket. Most people, over 90%, just pay the ticket and face the consequences of their increased insurance rates for years to come. However, there are other options out there that can save you lots of money – online traffic school and fighting your FL ticket. Let’s explore the option and their cost to get a better idea of how much just one ticket can cost. Let’s assume that you have a $100 monthly insurance policy, and your ticket with court fees is $300.

Option 1: Florida Traffic School Online: $308.95

When you get a Florida ticket, many times you have the option to take traffic school online to avoid getting points on your driving record. When you choose this option, many times you still have to pay the full speeding ticket fine and the cost of traffic school, which is $8.95 with our recommended program. The main advantage of taking traffic school is that you avoid getting points on your driving record which ensures your insurance costs don’t increase. This can save you a substantial amount of money in the long run, as you will soon see.

Option 2: Just Pay the Ticket: $1500

Your second option is just to pay the speeding ticket. Most people assume that this is a one time payment of $300. However it is actually much more expensive. On average, car insurance rates increase by 20% for just one ticket on a driving record. With a $100 monthly policy, that means your rates will increase by $20 a month. Twenty bucks may not seem like a lot, but it will be more expensive for the next five years while that ticket is on your driving record. That means an additional $1200 in car insurance bills! And that’s just for one ticket, imagine if you get another in that five year period.

Option 3: Fight a Florida Traffic Ticket: $0 or $1500

Your last option is to fight the ticket in court. If you win then you will not have to pay anything. However, it is a risk and if you lose than you will have to pay the ticket, $300, plus the additional insurance costs.

Washington DC Traffic School

Posted on: April 2nd, 2012 by Traffic School

Washington DC Traffic School

For most people, at one time of another in their lives they end up getting a speeding ticket or traffic ticket in Washington DC. Most people, in fact over 75%, just pay the ticket without thinking through other alternatives that could save them money in the long run. Few people really realize how much a ticket actually costs when you take into account the car insurance impact and impact on your driving record. To make this more clear, let’s use an example. Let’s imagine that I live in Washington DC and just received my first traffic ticket for speeding. The ticket I was given costs $250. My monthly insurance rate is $150 and until this ticket I had a clean driving record. After getting the ticket, I have three options for taking care of it – I can just pay it; I can take Washington DC traffic school; or I can fight it in court.

Option 1: Just Pay the Ticket, Total Cost: $2200

If I decided to just pay the ticket, the total cost of the ticket would actually end up being $2200! How? Well the ticket itself was for $250, but when I went to pay it there was an additional $150 in court fees and administration fees bringing the total ticket price to $400. Additionally, when the car insurance company finds out I received a ticket, my premiums will increase by 20% (national average). So my monthly payment will go from $150 to $180, or $30 extra every month. The ticket will be on my record for 5 years, so that means an additional $1800 in car insurance costs. Together with the ticket, that is a extra $2200 for just one ticket!

Option 2: Take Washington DC Traffic School, Total Cost: $435 or less

The second option I have is to take Washington DC traffic school to dismiss my ticket. In many cases I will still have to pay the ticket itself, which is $400, but sometimes that fine is reduced for taking traffic school. You just need to check with the court. The traffic school course costs $35 but once I complete it successfully the ticket isn’t added to my driving record. This means my insurance costs won’t increase and I will save $1800 from taking the traffic school course.

Option 3: Fight the Ticket in Court, Total Cost: $2200 or $0

The last option I have is to fight the ticket in court and see if I can have it completely dismissed. If I win, I will not have any fines or fees to pay. However, if I lose then I will have to pay for the ticket, the insurance increases, and any additional fees. I will also have to spend time preparing for court to make sure I am ready.

In the end, I decided to take Washington DC traffic school. I was able to get my fine reduced to $75 and finished the online course quickly and easily. My car insurance rates never increased and I was able to maintain my safe driver status which actually got me deeper insurance discounts in the years to come.

Delaware Defensive Driving

Posted on: March 28th, 2012 by Traffic School


No one wants to get a speeding ticket or traffic ticket and have to deal with expensive fines and points on their Delaware driving record. Unfortunately, it happens to most of us at one time or another and many of us mistakenly think that paying the ticket and accepting the increases to our insurance premiums is the only option. Luckily there is another option out there that can save you time and money – Delaware Defensive Driving courses online.

To better understand the benefits of taking a Delaware Defensive Driving course, let’s look at an example for a typical Delaware driver who just got his first ticket. Let’s call him Dan. Dan also has a car insurance policy in Delaware that costs him $100/monthly. Dan’s ticket was for $250 and he found out when went to pay it online that there was an additional $50 in court fees for the ticket bringing the total to $300. Now let’s look at each of Dan’s option for taking care of the ticket and how much it will cost him in the long run.

Option 1: Take a Delaware Defensive Driving Course Online, Total Cost: $400

The first option people should consider is taking a Delaware Defensive Driving course online to avoid having points added to your driving record. In most cases you will still have to pay the cost of the ticket and court fees, in this case $300, plus another $100 for the Delaware Defensive Driving course. The course can be taken 100% online and you can take it from the comfort of your own home at your own time. In some cases the court will reduce or eliminate the fine if you tell them you will be taking defensive driving in Delaware.Sign up for Delaware defensive driving.

Option 2: Just Pay the Ticket, Total Cost: $1500

Your second option is just to pay the speeding ticket and not take Delaware Defensive Driving. If Dan decides to do that he will need to pay the $300 for the speeding ticket and he will also have points added to his Delaware driving record. Those points will cause his insurance premiums to go up. On average your first ticket increases your insurance premiums by 20%, meaning Dan’s monthly payment will go from $100 to $120. He will have to pay the more expensive premium for 5 years until the ticket is removed from his record. Paying $20 a month extra for the next five years will cost Dan an extra $1200 for getting just one speeding ticket. That combined with the ticket costs, is a total cost of $1500.

Option 3: Fight the Ticket in Court, Total Cost: $0 If He wins, $1500 If He Loses

Dan’s final option is to fight the speeding ticket in court. If he goes to court and wins, it will cost Dan nothing for his speeding ticket. However if he loses he will have to pay the ticket and the insurance rate increases.

As a fairly practical person, Dan decided in the end to take Delaware defensive driving and avoid the points on his driving record and very expensive insurance rate increases.

Connecticut Traffic School

Posted on: March 26th, 2012 by Traffic School

Connecticut Traffic School

No one wants to get a speeding ticket or traffic ticket, but unfortunately for most people it is something that happens at one time or another. When you get a ticket in Connecticut most people just think they need to pay it and move on. In fact over 75% of people just pay for their ticket and accept the fact that they will pay more expensive insurance premiums for years to come. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By taking a Connecticut traffic school course many of the expensive and harsh consequences of getting a ticket can be avoided. To make this more clear, let’ look at an example. Meet Marcy.

Marcy pays $100 monthly for her car insurance premium and had a clear driving record until last Tuesday when she got pulled over for speeding on her way to the gym. She was given a speeding ticket, which in Connecticut will add 1 point to her driving record. The speeding ticket she was given cost $250 plus an additional $100 in court and processing fees. Let’s look at Marcy’s options and the cost for each one.

Option 1: Take Connecticut Traffic School

One option that Marcy has is to take Connecticut traffic school online after getting her ticket. The course can be taken entirely online and costs about $35. Once Marcy finishes the online traffic school course the points will not be added to her driving record and her insurance premiums won’t increase. Unfortunately though she will still have to pay for the ticket and court fees.

The total cost for Marcy if she takes Connecticut traffic school is $385.

Option 2: Just Pay the Speeding Ticket

The second option Marcy is considering is just paying the ticket and not worrying about the points on her record. How much can 1 point really affect her car insurance costs? If Marcy chooses this option, she will need to pay the $350 plus any insurance increases for the next 5 years until the ticket is off her record. On average, car insurance rates increase by 20% for the first ticket. That means Marcy will need to pay an extra $20 monthly for the next 5 years, or 60 months. That is a total additional costs of $1200.

The total cost for Marcy if she takes just pays the ticket is $1550.

Option 3: Fight the Ticket in Court

Marcy’s final option is to fight the ticket in court. Fighting a ticket is a bit of a risk since there is no guarantee that Marcy will win. If she is successful and wins in court, her ticket will be completely erased and she will not need to pay the fine or face insurance premium increases. On the other hand, if she does not win, she will have the pay the fine and face the extra $1200 in insurance costs.

The total cost for Marcy if she fights the ticket is wither $0 or $1550.

In the end, Marcy decided that taking Connecticut traffic school was the safest and most cost effective choice for her. She finished the course quickly online and was able to get the point taken off her record. you can sign up for Connecticut traffic school below.

Colorado Traffic School

Posted on: March 21st, 2012 by Traffic School

online-traffic-schoolFor most of us at one time or another we see flashing blue lights in our rear view mirror, our stomachs drop, and a few minutes later we are holding a Colorado traffic ticket.  It happens to most people at some time or another, but too many people don’t fully understand all of their options for dealing with a traffic ticket and Colorado traffic school.  Knowing the options you have in front of you after getting a ticket, as well as the financial implication of each decision will help you make a wise decision about how to proceed.

To understand the options in front of you, let’s use an example.  Meet Jenny.  Jenny lives in Colorado and has a monthly auto insurance bill of $150 for her car.  Recently Jenny was pulled over for speeding and given a ticket for $250, plus another $150 in court costs.  She knows that means that points will also be added to her Colorado driving record.  Based on national averages, Jenny knows that her car insurance rate will increase by 20% for the first ticket she gets.  Also in Colorado the points and ticket will stay on her record for 5 years.

Option 1:  Pay the Colorado Ticket, Total Cost:  $2200

If Jenny just decides to pay her ticket without taking Colorado traffic school, her total cost for the ticket will be $2200.  How can one ticket cost $2200?  Let’s break it down.  First let’s take into account the ticket itself, which cost $250 plus $150 in court fees for a total of $400.  In addition Jenny’s car insurance rate is going to increase by 20% for her first ticket, which pushes her rate from $150 to $180, or an extra $30 monthly.  She will have to pay that extra $30 monthly for the next five years until the ticket disappears from her record.  Over the five years(60 months), Jenny will pay a total of $1800 more for her speeding ticket in insurance costs.  This brings the grand total to $2200.

Option 2:  Take Colorado Traffic School, Total Cost:  $430

Jenny’s second option is to take online Colorado traffic school, which normally takes most people between 4-6 hours.  The cost of the Colorado traffic school starts at $29.99. It can be taken entirely online and you can sign in and out as often as you like. In addition to paying for online traffic school in Colorado so the ticket doesn’t show up on her record, Jenny still has to pay the $400 in ticket fines. However, this is much less expensive than the $2200 she would spend paying for expensive insurance for the next five years. Sign up for Colorado traffic school

Option 3:  Fight the Ticket in Court, $0 or $2200

The third and riskiest option is to fight the ticket in court. If you fight your ticket in Colorado and win, then you will have no costs at all since the ticket is completely dismissed. However if you lose when you fight your Colorado ticketyou will have to pay the ticket and the car insurance costs. Remember to also take in account the time it would take time and likely a day off of work to fight your ticket in court. That cost should also be factored in.

California Traffic School

Posted on: March 19th, 2012 by Traffic School

For many California drivers at one time or another they unfortunately get a ticket and need to take California traffic school.  Taking California online traffic school has many benefits and can help you ensure that you do not waste thousands of dollars paying for a speeding or traffic ticket for years to come.  Yes thousands.  How can it be thousands of dollars for just one ticket you may be wondering, well let’s look at how just one ticket affects your insurance costs and how taking online California traffic school can fix all that and save you thousands.  Meet Edward.

Edward had a clean driving record until one day he was in a rush to meet his girlfriend and was pulled over for driving 9 mph over the speeding ticket.  He was given a $200 speeding ticket and the officer told him he could also take traffic school instead of getting points on his record.  In California, his speeding ticket was a 1 point offense.  He also currently has a $100 car insurance policy.  According to state law this ticket will stay on his record for 5 years.

Edward called the court and found out it would cost him $200 for the speeding ticket plus an extra $150 dollars in court fees.  He would have to pay this regardless of whether or not he took California traffic school.  Finding out he still had to pay for the ticket no matter even if he took traffic school, his first response was to just pay it.  That was until he found out how it would impact his insurance cost.

Edward’s insurance company raises rates 20% for having an additional point on your driving record.  For Edward that means an extra $20 monthly for his car insurance.  That may not seem too bad, but he will have to pay that $20 extra for the next 5 years until the ticket disappears off his record.  That means an $1200 in insurance costs for that one ticket.

His other option, take traffic school online for $20 and not have the speeding ticket appear on his record.  That saves him $1180!

Now let’s remember that if Edward doesn’t take California traffic school, the ticket will stay on his record for 5 years.  What will happen if he gets another ticket?  For Edward that would bring about another more expensive insurance premium.  On average, care insurance rates increase by 35% for your second offense.  For Edward, that would mean his $120 rate (after his first ticket) would increase to $162 for the next five years.  Or he could just take California traffic school for $20 instead and save all of that money.